Friday 24 April 2009

course at sawston

dear students,

it seems like we're going to enjoy a good and long summer break,

practicad todo lo mas que podais! esta nueva iniciativa de la bbc es muy util y accesible:

hasta la proxima!


Wednesday 4 March 2009

tareas para la semana que viene

please read the two texts on page 57, then decide which text is, in your opinion, correct and explain why........

hasta la semana que viene!

Heidi, no hables mucho con those Spaniards!

Saturday 7 February 2009

tareas and a big thank you

muchas gracias por los marcadores! son muy utiles!

homework for next week: complete excercise 6 from unit 5.

think of an excercise, write it down and bring it next week, we will do those excercises in the class.........bring comfy trousers!

que tengais buena semana

Thursday 22 January 2009

what have you done?

The Perfect Tense

Generally, the perfect tells you what has happened, what have you done in the recent past.
It is made up of the present tense of haber (called the auxiliary verb) and the past participle. Past participles of -ar verbs end in -ado, and -er and -ir verbs end in -ido.

Two little rules to bear in mind though:
  • you don't use the perfect to say how long you have been doing something, you use the present.

'hace tres meses que aprendemos castellano'

'we've been learning Spanish for three months'

  • to say you have just done something, you use the present of acabar de+infinitive.

'el tren acaba de salir'

'the train has just left'


Hola, Heidi,

muchas gracias por comunicarnos lo de tu abuelo, lo siento mucho. Como se dice en castellano: 'te acompano en sentimiento'

We miss you and we're thinking of you.


Thursday 15 January 2009


Hi Heidi,

we missed you yesterday! I really hope your granny gets better soon.

Your homework for next week is easy:

practicar los numeros del 0 al 100

hacer ejercicio 6, pagina 44

Que tengais buena semana!

Thursday 4 December 2008

que fiesta!

muchas gracias a los cocineros y los bodegueros que hicieron la reunion de anoche inolvidable,

sois un grupo estupendo y espero que nos veamos todos otra vez en enero,

un abrazo y FELIZ NAVIDAD!

(no os olvideis de tomar las uvas en nochevieja!)